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Should I stay or should I go? To be or not to be?  The art of decision making is a delicate craft that we all want to master. For some, taking decisions is a real dilemma, for others it comes easily, from the guts or from the heart. For many, indecision prevails and the process can even turn to procrastination. Only slaves don't have to take decisions because these are imposed on them, often through violence.

As Jo Bikart says: "where you are today, in your personal and professional life, is the result of decisions you once made". His book is an absolute read for anybody who wants to understand better how decisions are taken and how to improve the process. 

In a world where we need to show we are decisive, we sometimes struggle with the outcomes of our decisions. Jo Bikart's humanity and humour makes the book a must and a fast read.


- Monique Villa is CEO of the Thomson Reuters Foundation 

I devoured it on my last flight from London to NYC.  An entertaining, funny, erudite read, and a truly insightful and sweeping take on decision making.  


I’m seriously thinking of making it required reading for our new students who could definitely use a more confident approach to decision making. I’ll say it right here — I will definitely benefit from Joe's superb insights.  Get it!


Your book is so inspiring! I’m seriously thinking of making it a must read for our new students who could definitely use a more confident approach to decision making. I’ll say it right here — I will definitely benefit from your superb insights.


- Marie Taillard, Professor ESCP Europe Business School

Publication day for the wonderful Joseph Bikart. Congratulations on the creation, writing and successful publication of “The Art of Decision Making” #decisions #decisionmaking #artofdecisionmaking. Thank you too for the thought provoking, challenging and engaging introduction to your work at my network Summer lunch  HR community


We received great feedback on your thoughtful and insightful approach and content plus very positive commentary on your book. Several attendees have since shared their new found motivation and intent to challenge, reflect and adapt their decision making strategies - at work and at home. Very excited for you and wishing you massive success on this (first) volume.


- Karen Clark,  Director at Strategic Dimensions 

Publication day for the wonderful Joseph Bikart. Congratulations on the creation, writing and successful publication of “The Art of Decision Making” #decisions #decisionmaking #artofdecisionmaking. Thank you too for the thought provoking, challenging and engaging introduction to your work at my network Summer lunch  HR community


We received great feedback on your thoughtful and insightful approach and content plus very positive commentary on your book. Several attendees have since shared their new found motivation and intent to challenge, reflect and adapt their decision making strategies - at work and at home. Very excited for you and wishing you massive success on this (first) volume.


- Karen Clark,  Director at Strategic Dimensions 

The Art of Decision Making uses concise concepts from Western thinking and self examination, to guide through the dilemmas, delusions and disincentives of the decision making process. I was surprised to find that what feels like an intensely personal experience, is something that writers, artists and even myths have tried to understand for centuries.

This book helps you step outside yourself and take an objective view on how and why the decision making process can be difficult, to help with your own decision making. My Blinding Flash of the Obvious was that well thought out decisions, once taken, can not be un-done without harming the Self - instead, fully accept the decision, and use subsequent information to make new decisions but never regret the initial decision.

"The Art of Decision Making". Insightful, brilliant, original.

What is it that makes some of us better – or worse – than others at committing to a choice? What are the secrets of good decision making? 

You will find the answers to these and many other questions in the new book of my friend Joseph Bikart. 
I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in the silent forces shaping our decisions.

Diego Gilardoni, international strategic advisor, former journalist

This book is a feast of wisdom and a must read. It explores the deepest routes of our indecision to deliver a new clarity on our deciding minds. It is full of “aha” moments and unlike all the “self-help” books that recommend a standard approach to decision making, this book engages readers to change their mindset through self reflection. A great read.

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